Category Archives: Uncategorized

First flight

First time I flew, completely untethered to anything was in February of 2015. No words can properly discribe your first of anything, and one’s first flight is no exception.

Thursday musings

So how does one define their image in the digital world? There are perhaps three different approaches, at least:

1) Mirror the real world life
2) Reflect a modified real world life, changing the things one prefers to change
3) Create a completely new image

I haven’t decided yet, but 3) seems attractive simply because 1) seems boring and 2) is really not that much different. Creating a completely new personality allows one to mold that "perfect" self image we’ve always sought. Who really likes themselves 100% anyway?

Time will tell what I end up choosing…

First blog

Well, been hiding from the net most of my life and turns out it isn’t working. So rather than let other people set the tone on who I am, I’ve decided to contribute a little to my digital life. More to follow.